
Today Was the Absolute WORST day EVER!

One of my favorite things in life is word play. This poem was introduced to my in the Gilwell Gazette, on Woodbadge course C2-784-16-2. This is an amazing training course designed for Boy Scout leaders. I had recently gone through a difficult personal struggle, and found myself choking up (maybe I did actually cry…) when I read this. I have this posted on my board above my desk to look at every day. Enjoy!


Today was the absolute worst day ever
And don’t try to convince me that
There’s something good in every day
Because, when you take a closer look,
This world is a pretty evil place.
Even if
Some goodness does shine through once in a while
Satisfaction and happiness don’t last.
And it’s not true that
It’s all in the mind and heart
True happiness can be attained
Only if one’s surroundings are good
It’s not true that good exists
I’m sure you can agree that
The reality
My attitude
It’s all beyond my control
And you’ll never in a million years hear me say
Today was a very good day

Now read it from bottom to top.

(Written by teenager Chanie Gorkin)


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1 Comment

  1. Mike says:

    Doni, thanks for sharing this. It is going to go viral.
    I posted it in a couple of places and it is being shared..

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