I spent today doing major yard and project cleanup (among other things) at the farmhouse. For the last couple days a couple friends of mine have helped me install windows.. Now understand, this is the farmhouse that had the major fire. We haven’t had windows that functioned (if there was a window left at all) since October 21st 2017. Most ‘windows’ were pieces of plywood. My son Mike and I installed 3 windows on Tuesday, July 3rd. One was very simple, in a freshly built wall with no retrofitting. The other two were more challenging – yet still first floor windows. Enter The Houlihan’s. Tom, Jewel and their youngest son came out and with their help (along with my kids… my husband was sick this week!) we installed 10 windows in 2 days! Now understand — many of these were second story – full retrofits. So, we had to create the window opening where the window would set, complete with headers, and then add wood on the outside to match the 1′ thick wall board! That way the window is flush with the wallboard next to it — allowing for consistent trim and siding later. And the best part??? It was well into the high 90’s for temperature with a very high humidity making that lovely heat index well into the 100 degree territory. Both days. And no – there is no HVAC (no air conditioning) at the farmhouse yet. We’re lucky we have a toilet! They stuck it out, and we now have our home sealed up with all door and window holes filled properly. I have the best kinds of friends. And I adore this family… and it was a specific event that had to happen to ever even meet them!
You see, the Houlihan’s come from the Lake Orion area, which is a good 40-45 minutes from here. Although Tom is an avid Scouter (which many of you know I am a Boy Scout leader, and I really believe in this program) we serve in different districts. There isn’t a lot of interaction between districts unless you get involved in upper level training, which crosses district lines. I want to play this game for a bit, because I can remember very specific moments that got me to the place where I met Tom.
#1 Let’s start with starting Scouts. Mike was originally going into Cub Scouts with my husband. But Steve went to the first meeting and said that everyone else went with their mom and the leader of their Tiger Den was a lady (Donna)… so tag! You’re in. At first I was very resentful. I was busy… I worked (a lot!) at the time, and volunteered at our church. Ha.
#2 Our Cubmaster at the time was a sweet lady named Melanie. Her and Donna made mention of a thing called Roundtable. That I should go. I did not want to go. I was busy dang it.
#3 I went to Roundtable. I knew no one. I didn’t want to be there. I sat at a table and found myself laughing at the Roundtable staff. That staff consisted of Steve Buckman (whom I am sure you will hear about more in other Butterfly effects — because he is incredibly important to my story), Rich Kubiak (you’ll hear more of him later), his now wife Shanna Burden (I was in their wedding… and she and I are very close), John Rogers (whom I ended up getting my Escalade from… more on that later as well) and another gentleman… whom I replaced on staff… By the end of that year I was a Chippewa District Assistant Roundtable Commissioner.
#4 Steve Buckman starts telling me that I should take this Woodbadge Course. Melanie said our Pack would pay for some of it. Donna said I should go. I signed up early… then found out I was pregnant with Morgan. Steve was on staff for the course and assured me I would be well cared for (I was) and I should go anyway. I completed the course (C2-784-14) 7 1/2 months pregnant. Steve was a Quartermaster on the staff, along with 3 others. The QMs as they are called were mainly responsible for behind the scenes stuff, except in my case. The QM staff went above and beyond for me, ensuring my comfort and safety. One of the other QMs was a gentleman by the name of Dave Berger.
#5 Dave calls me one day out of the blue, asking me if I would like to staff his course. (C2-786-16-2) But I was busy. And my husband would have to stay home with all 3 kids, one of which was a toddler! I almost said no. But he talked me into it. Actually that’s not true. Steve Buckman pushed me hard to accept saying I would love the experience and that I really needed to do it for personal growth! So I called Dave back and accepted.
#6 I show up at the first meeting. I see a couple familiar faces: Rich Kubiak, Barb (she staffed the course I participated in while pregnant), Scott Kiefer (this will have to be a whole different story… Steve Buckman introduced me to Scott at a Woodbadge Breakfast in January of 2014 while trying to convince me to take that first course… he is now a significant part of my life!) and of course, Dave Berger.
Tom sat next to Rich. I was late, coming in from something else I was doing (because I am busy!!!) and took the open seat on the opposite side of the table near Scott and Dave. I noticed Tom’s name tag “Tom Houlihan”. It was semi social time, so I yelled ” Hey! Hot Lips!” (MASH reference…) He retorted that my mom wasn’t here or something like that. Literally, we became instant friends. Spring of 2016.
I went to every staff development meeting. I staffed the course. Through the year several of us became close, but Tom was one that I never ever put any kind of party face on for. He always knew who I was… and am at the core.
So, I have issues sometimes with wives of my male friends. Because of my extremely outgoing personality, I have been pushed away by women my entire life. I anticipated this with Tom’s wife, and was a little nervous about meeting her. Scott hosted a wrap up party for our course at his home in November, and no lie — I had to build up a little liquid courage to meet the spouses. Then, I met Jewel. Some of the ladies were pretty reserved. Not Jewel. She bear hugged me when we met. It was awesome. A new friend! And she likes ’57 Chevys too, so she can relate to my husband. Then other things occurred which prompted me to cross districts and take up a leadership role in a co-ed Venture Crew where Tom and Jewel volunteer, and their two youngest sons participate. Now we are all family friends and I can’t imagine life without them… Really, everyone in this story is such a wonderful friend. I can’t imagine life without any of them.
And to think. If I had been too busy to step into that Tiger Den meeting all those years ago…