Morning Cups o' Kindness

Happy Little Words

I noticed this morning that McDonald’s has happy little sayings on their cup lids. Mine says ‘enjoy every sip’. Brad’s (my breakfast date) says ‘it’s nice on ice’. These made me kinda smile as they are putting some effort into making people see something cute and positive. But it made me think- maybe we should do that. Write little notes for people to see happy little things in their world. Maybe a stickie note for bathroom mirror at work that says something like- love the person in the mirror. Or ‘you are beautiful’. I have a card from a person I bought stuff from, she didn’t know me, that said ‘you are loved, you are beautiful.’

When I say to be kind- I mean, to everyone. Be kind out of love. Using the concept of we love because He first loved us…. and we’re often not very lovable… then we need to love those others not lovable. ?

Have an amazing day y’all, and as always be kind ????

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