Morning Cups o' Kindness

Every Journey Starts With the First Step…

I’m working hard on my attitude. As I’m sitting here behind my home looking up at the tall roof peaks, I’m feeling a bit of dread knowing I need to (very soon) deal with the top trim. Which are very large (but not heavy) boards. I’ll have anti-fall gear on, and I’m capable… but I still really don’t want to work that high up. And fear holds me back… Which is why it hasn’t been done yet.

But then I think about what I’ve done so far. Who I am. And that I have been able to do anything that I set my mind to, as long as I give it my all. But the first step is to take the first step. To pull my big girl underwear up and say- I got this. I have to strap on my tool belt and get to work. The first step…

But in reality- you have to make that decision first. To decide to take that step. What step do you have to decide to take? I have made the decision to start taking steps. Every day, take the next ‘first step’ to conquer a feat, or accomplish a goal.

What’s your first step?

Have an amazing day y’all and as always, be kind ????

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