Have you ever woken up to a baby screaming (not your own) and felt the strong desire to find the baby and take away whatever is causing him or her such great distress? We heard this from our tent in the early morning and baby girl’s incessant crying just broke my heart. And it made me think of how most of us are wired to help little kids not hurt. (When I saw baby girl this morning she was rocking to music playing… she was ok )
Some of us take it further and when we see an adult crying and feel empathy for them and want to help take their pain away. We are called empaths. And we agonize with you. We will hold you even if you are a stranger and you need us.
But- it comes with a price. We walk away from that experience often feeling that pain. So we need an understanding non empath to hug us and tell us we are going to be ok. And it has to be a non empath so the partner doesn’t weigh down. But it has to be someone we trust with our hurts. Someone who won’t use it against us.
I suspect you will know which group you fall into. Either love your empath partner or friend, knowing they are on this earth to help others, or if you’re the empath, trust your partner to help you with your burdens. It’s important to not bottle the emotion OR dismiss them.
I’m blessed to have a network of both types of people. And a partner who holds me while I cry over a little baby who’s screaming in the morning.
Respect each other. We all have special gifts. It’s what makes the world go around. Appreciate the differences in your tribe. And always be kind….