Rain. Some people love it. Others hate it. It is life giving, and deadly. We can’t live without it, yet too much rain can make it hard to live. Rain has evolved from a simple word that can either be a noun (look at that rain!) or a verb (it’s raining) to a figurative concept …
Putting the ‘Awe’ back into AWEsome!
“Awe”. This is a word that feels lost in society today. I feel like so many people are stuck with their noses in their phones, or absorbed into the television, video games or other form of distraction that they miss the ‘awe’ that exists all over! Just so we are on the same page, the …
The Butterfly Effect… Part 1: “Woodbadge and Windows”
I spent today doing major yard and project cleanup (among other things) at the farmhouse. For the last couple days a couple friends of mine have helped me install windows.. Now understand, this is the farmhouse that had the major fire. We haven’t had windows that functioned (if there was a window left at all) …